Get into the game with Opus! Long have the complexity and high startup and operating costs of digitization projects kept most libraries, museums and archives on the sidelines. Opus leverages today's high-performance, low-cost computers to obliterate those barriers with its paint-by-numbers digitization system that produces the highest quality digital collections possible at less than 1/3 historic startup and operating costs. In as little as one day, Digital Library Systems Group (DLSG) installation and training staff will leave you with a fully operational digitization system. Follow-on training sessions via the Web ensure that your staff is producing multiple beautiful digital books per day in no time, complete with hierarchical metadata.
OPUS FreeFlow combines production technologies of the commercial document capture world with the special and uncompromising needs of preservationists. The result is high-performance digitization software that can be used "out of the box" or customized for large and challenging digitization projects. In either case, OPUS FreeFlow can be configured to produce output at virtually any quality level while offering the highest throughput speeds possible today.